Tools 66
To enter the decimal point, press .
The Exchange Rate field only accepts up to five digits after the
decimal point.
7. Press
( ) to save the new exchange rate.
Currency — Erasing Exchange Rates
You cannot erase the preloaded currencies from the Exchange
Rate list. You can erase a currency that you have added to the list
by doing the following:
1. From the Tools menu, select Converter ➔ Currency.
2. Press Rate. The EXCHANGE RATE list for the From
currency appears in the display.
3. Use the Up and Down navigation keys to highlight the user-
added currency exchange rate to be erased.
4. Press Erase. You are prompted to confirm the erasure.
soft key is undefined for preloaded Exchange Rates. This
prevents you from erasing them.
5. To erase the exchange rate, press Yes. To keep the
exchange rate, press No.
Tip Calculator
Tip Calculator automatically calculates the following amounts:
Gratuity (tip)
Individual payment (for groups)
1. From the Tools menu, select Tip Calculator. The
screen appears in screen, with the Bill field
2. Use the keypad to enter the total
amount of the bill.
3. If needed, highlight the Tip field,
and enter a tip percentage.
4. If needed, highlight the # Paying
field, and enter the number of
persons paying.
5. The amount of the Tip, the final
Total, and the amount Each
person should pay appear in the lower half of the screen.