Installed Software 63
E-EQ-MX5CERG-F-ARC MX5X Reference Guide
JAVA (Option)
Installed by LXE. Files can be accessed by tapping Start | Programs | JEM-CE. Doubletap the
EVM icon to open the EVM Console. A folder of JAVA examples and Plug-ins is also installed
with the JAVA option. LXE does not support all JAVA applications running on the mobile device.
LXE RFTerm (Option)
Installed by LXE. The application can be accessed by tapping Start | Programs | RFTerm. Please
refer to Terminal Emulation Setup earlier in this guide for RFTerm quick start instruction. Refer to
the RFTerm Reference Guide on the LXE Manuals CD for complete information and instruction.
WAV files added by the user should be stored in System\LXE\RFTerm\Sounds.
Wavelink Avalanche Enabler (Option)
The following features are supported by the Wavelink Avalanche Enabler when used in
conjunction with the Avalanche Manager. Requires Windows CE 5 operating system.
The mobile device cannot be upgraded to CE 5.0 using the Wavelink / eXpress Config / eXpress
Scan application. The device must be returned to LXE for upgrading or an LXE Field Service
Engineer can be dispatched to upgrade the device. Contact your LXE representative for assistance.
After configuration, Enabler files are installed upon initial bootup and after a hard reset. Network
parameter configuration is supported for:
• IP address: DHCP or static IP
• RF network SSID
• DNS hosts (primary, secondary, tertiary)
• Subnet mask
• Enabler update
Related Manual: Using Wavelink Avalanche on LXE Windows Computers.
The MX5X has the Avalanche Enabler installation files loaded, but not installed, on the mobile
device when it is shipped from LXE. The installation files are located in the System folder on CE
devices. The installation application must be run manually the first time Avalanche is used.
After the installation application is manually run, the Enabler begins normal performance. The
Enabler is by default an auto-launch application. This behavior can be modified by accessing the
Avalanche Update Settings panel through the Enabler Interface. The designation of the mobile
device to the Avalanche Manager is LXE_MX5X.
LXE CE devices manufactured before October 2006 must have their drivers and system files
upgraded before they can use the Avalanche Enabler functions. Please contact an LXE
representative for details on upgrading the mobile device baseline.
If the user is NOT using Wavelink Avalanche to manage their mobile device, the Enabler
should not be installed on the mobile device(s).
Terminology may appear different, based on your installed version: Avalanche Manager may be
shown as the Avalanche Mobility Center Console