ASCII Control Codes 305
E-EQ-MX5CERG-F-ARC MX5X Reference Guide
ASCII Control Codes
The following table lists ASCII Control codes in hexadecimal and their corresponding Control-key combinations.
Char Hex
Control Action
NUL 0 ^@ NULl character Ctrl-Shift-`
SOH 1 ^A Start Of Heading
VK_CONTROL (0x11) down
VK_A (0x41) down
WM_CHAR (0x1)
VK_A (0x41) up
VK_CONTROL (0x11) up
STX 2 ^B Start of TeXt Ctrl-b
ETX 3 ^C End of TeXt Ctrl-c
EOT 4 ^D End Of Transmission Ctrl-d
ENQ 5 ^E ENQuiry Ctrl-e
ACK 6 ^F ACKnowledge Ctrl-f
BEL 7 ^G BELl, rings terminal bell Ctrl-g
BS 8 ^H BackSpace (non-destructive) Ctrl-h
HT 9 ^I Horizontal Tab (move to next tab position) Ctrl-i
LF a ^J Line Feed Ctrl-j
VT b ^K Vertical Tab Ctrl-k
FF c ^L Form Feed Ctrl-l
CR d ^M Carriage Return Ctrl-m
SO e ^N Shift Out Ctrl-n
SI f ^O Shift In Ctrl-o
DLE 10 ^P Data Link Escape Ctrl-p
DC1 11 ^Q Device Control 1, normally XON Ctrl-q
DC2 12 ^R Device Control 2 Ctrl-r
DC3 13 ^S Device Control 3, normally XOFF Ctrl-s
DC4 14 ^T Device Control 4 Ctrl-t
NAK 15 ^U Negative AcKnowledge Ctrl-u
SYN 16 ^V SYNchronous idle Ctrl-v
ETB 17 ^W End Transmission Block Ctrl-w
CAN 17 ^X CANcel line Ctrl-x