Passwords 205
E-EQ-MX5CERG-F-ARC MX5X Reference Guide
A password must be configured. If the password is not configured, a new device switches into
Administration mode without prompting for a password. In addition to the Administrator hotkey
press, a mode switch occurs if inaccurate information has been configured or if mandatory
information is missing in the configuration.
There are several situations that display a password prompt after a password has been configured.
If the configured hotkey is pressed, the password prompt is displayed. In this case the user has 30
seconds (and within three attempts) to enter a password. If a valid password is not entered within
30 seconds, the password prompt is dismissed and the device returns to end-user mode.
All other situations that present the password prompt do not dismiss the prompt -- this is because
the other situations result in invalid end-user operation.
These conditions include:
• If inaccurate configuration information is entered by the administrator, i.e. an application is
specified that does not exist.
• If the application name, which is mandatory for end-user mode, is missing in the configuration.
• Invalid installation of AppLock (e.g. missing DLLs).
• Corrupted registry settings.
To summarize, if an error occurs that prevents AppLock from switching to user mode, the
password will not timeout and AppLock will wait until the correct password is entered.
See Also: Appendix D – Reference Material, sections titled AppLock Error Messages and
AppLock Registry Settings.
AppLock Password Troubleshooting
Can’t locate the password that has been set by the administrator? Enter this LXE back door key
Ctrl+L Ctrl+X Ctrl+E