172 Summit Client Configuration
MX5X Reference Guide E-EQ-MX5CERG-F-ARC
Summit Wireless Security
Use the instructions in this section to complete the entries on the Config or Profile tab according to
the type of wireless security used by your network. The instructions that follow are the minimum
required to successfully connect to a network. Your system may require more parameters than are
listed in these instructions. Please see your System Administrator for complete information about
your network and its wireless security requirements.
Note: It is important that all dates are correct on CE computers when using any type of
certificate. Certificates are date sensitive and if the date is not correct authentication will
Default profile LXE recommends editing the Default profile instead of creating new
profiles. Perform a Warm Reset (using the Suspend/Resume key
sequence) after changing parameters to save the changed parameters in
the registry.
Switching profiles Successfully connecting after switching from one profile to another
may take up to 30 seconds from the moment the Is not authenticated or
Is not Associated messages are displayed.
Adding, changing or
renaming profiles
LXE recommends performing a Warm Reset function (using the
Suspend/Resume key sequence) after tapping the Commit button.
Note: Unsaved Changes -- Newer versions of the SCU display a reminder if the Commit button
is not clicked before an attempt is made to close or browse away from the Config tab.