250 Appendix C MX5X CE .NET 4.2
MX5X Reference Guide E-EQ-MX5CERG-F-ARC
Internet Options
Access: Start | Settings | Control Panel | Internet Options
Set MX5X user options for internet connectivity.
Windows CE .NET 4.2 Defaults
Factory Default Settings
Start Page http://www.msn.com/
Search Page search.msn.com
Cache Size 512 Kb
Use LAN Disabled
Autodial Name Blank
Proxy Server Disabled
Bypass Proxy Disabled
Allow cookies Enabled
Allow TLS 1.0 security Disabled
Allow SSL 2.0 security Enabled
Allow SSL 3.0 security Enabled
Warn when switching Enabled
Display web images Enabled
Play web sounds Enabled
Enable web scripting Enabled
Display script error note Disabled
Underline links Never
Select a tab. Adjust the settings and tap the OK box to save the changes. The changes take effect
Access: Start | Settings | Control Panel | Keyboard Icon
Set key repeat delay and key repeat rate.
Factory Default Settings
Repeat Enable
Delay Short
Rate Slow
There is nochange from general desktop PC Keyboard Properties options. Adjust the settings and
tap the OK box to save the changes. The changes take effect immediately.
These values do not affect virtual keyboard (Input Panel) taps.
Access: Start | Settings | Control Panel | Mouse
Set the double-click sensitivity for stylus taps on the touch screen.