254 Appendix C MX5X CE .NET 4.2
MX5X Reference Guide E-EQ-MX5CERG-F-ARC
Access: Start | Settings | Control Panel | Power
Set Power Off, Backlight properties. Review battery status and details. Please refer to Chapter 2
Physical Description and Layout section titled Power Modes.
Factory Default Settings
Status Main Battery Power Gauge
Power Schemes
Battery Suspend 3 minutes
AC Power Suspend 5 minutes
Power Properties
The Status tab shows the status and the percentage of power left in the main battery (removable).
The listed values cannot be changed by the user. Backup battery information is not available.
The Battery tab displays technical information (serial number, charge cycles remaining, etc.) about
the main battery pack. Backup battery information is not available.
The Schemes tabs allows the user to set the Suspend timers when the mobile device is running on
Battery power or AC power. Adjust the settings and tap the OK box to save the changes. The
changes take effect immediately.