34 Hardware Configuration
MX5X Reference Guide E-EQ-MX5CERG-F-ARC
• One ATA compact Flash card slot under the main battery pack.
• One InfraRed port.
• Two serial ports.
• One Digitizer Input port (Touchscreen).
Note: As the MX5X does not have PC Card Management software installed, LXE recommends
purchasing pre-formatted cards.
System Memory
On-board 128MB low power DRAM, 64MB Compact Flash for operating system, 40MB
available for application and data storage.
64MB Flash contains the CE operating system, hardware-specific OEM Adaptation Layer, device
drivers, standard CE applications and utilities. The operating system supports MFC, ATL and
Visual Basic programming languages, TCP/IP and PPP network protocols. The Flash is
configured as the primary boot device.
The computer has one Type I/II CF slot and one ATA CF slot. The MX5X supports and auto
detects up to 256MB of Type I compact flash memory.
Video Subsystem
The touchscreen is a 3/8” (9.65cm) ¼ VGA 240 by 320 pixel TFT Reflective Active Color LCD.
Backlighting is available, can be turned on and off with key sequences. The turn-off timing is
configured through the Start | Settings | Control Panel | Display | Backlight icon. The display
controller supports Microsoft CE graphics modes.
A touch screen allows mouse functions (pointing and tapping on the display or Signature Capture)
using an LXE approved stylus.
The color display is optimized for outdoor use but may also be used indoors. The color display has
a CCFL (Cold-Cathode Fluorescent Lighting) front light.
The transflective display appears to have a greenish hue when the unit is in Suspend.
Power Supply
The LXE MX5X uses two batteries for operation.
A replaceable Lithium-Ion (Li-Ion) 2800mAh battery pack. The battery pack recharges while in
the MX5X with the computer in a powered cradle or with the optional external power source
attached. The main battery pack can be removed from the MX5X and inserted in the MX5 Multi-
Charger which simultaneously charges up to six battery packs in four hours.
An internal 450 mAh Nickel Metal Hydride (NiMH) coin cell backup battery. The backup battery
is recharged directly by an external power source. Full charging of the backup battery will take
seven hours. The backup battery must be replaced by qualified service personnel.
Connecting the MX5X to an external power source, and a main battery in the MX5X, is necessary
for backup battery charging.