204 Administration Mode
MX5X Reference Guide E-EQ-MX5CERG-F-ARC
Administration Mode
Administration mode gives full access to the device and configuration options.
The administrator must enter a valid password (when a password has already been assigned)
before access to Administration mode and configuration options are allowed. The administrator
can configure the following options:
• Create/change the keystroke sequence to activate administrator access.
• Create/change the password for administrator access.
• Assign the name of the application, or applications, to lock.
• Select the command line of the application, or applications, to lock.
In addition to these configuration options, the administrator can view and manage the status logs
of AppLock sessions.
Administrator default values for this device:
Administrator Hotkey Shift+Ctrl+A
Password none
Application path and name none
Application command line none
End User Mode
End-user mode locks the end-user into the configured application (or applications). The end user
can still reboot and respond to dialog boxes. The single application is automatically launched, and
runs in full screen mode when the device boots up.
The user cannot unintentionally or intentionally exit the application nor can the end user execute
any other applications. Normal application exit or switching methods and all Microsoft defined
Windows CE key combinations, such as close (X) icon, File Exit, File Close, Alt-F4, Alt-Tab, etc.
are disabled. The Windows CE desktop icons, menu bars, task bar and system trays are not visible
or accessible. Task Manager is not available.
If the end-user selects File/Exit or Close from the applications menu bar, the menu is cleared and
nothing else happens; the application remains active. Nothing happens when the end-user taps on
the Close icon on the application’s title bar and the application remains active.
Note: A few applications do not follow normal procedures when closing. AppLock cannot
prevent this type of application from closing, but is notified that the application has
closed. For these applications, AppLock immediately restarts the application which
causes the screen to flicker. If this type of application is being locked, the administrator
should close all other applications before switching to end user mode to minimize the
screen flicker.
Windows accelerator keys such as Alt-F4 are disabled.