106 ActiveSync / Get Connected Process
MX5X Reference Guide E-EQ-MX5CERG-F-ARC
Connect – Initial Install Process
Connect the correct** cable to the PC (the host) and the MX5X (the client). Tap the | Programs
| Communication | Get Connected on the MX5X.
Note: ActiveSync connection between the MX5X and the desktop/laptop computer must be
established using cabled USB or Serial connection for the initial setup only. The other
connection options can be used thereafter. See Change Connection Parameters for a list
of connection options.
The initial MX5X connection is made using
| Run. Tap the Browse button and browse to the
Windows folder. Select repllog.exe and tap the OK button. The Run text box reappears with
\windows\repllog in the text box.
Before pressing Enter, type a backslash ( / ) and remote in the Run text box. For example:
\windows\repllog /remote
** Cables for initial ActiveSync Configuration:
USB Client to PC/Laptop D26 to USB MX5A052CBLD26USB
Serial Client to PC/Laptop D26 to DA9F MX5A051CBLD26DA9F
When the desktop/laptop computer and the MX5X successfully connect, the initial ActiveSync
process is complete.
Change Connection Parameters
Tap the | Settings | Control Panel | PC Connection. Tap the Change Connection button.
1. From the popup list, choose
Option Description
IRDA This will set up the MX5X to use the Infrared port at 57600 or 115200
USB (Default) This will set up the MX5X to use the USB port direct.
COM1 @ 115200 This will set up the MX5X to use:
COM 1 direct at 38400 baud,
COM4 direct at 38400 baud, or
COM4 direct at 115200 baud
2. Tap OK and ensure the check box for Enable direct connections to the desktop computer is
3. Tap OK to return to the Control Panel.
4. Select Scanner and ensure the integrated scanner is set to a port that is different than the Get
Connected port (COM 1).
Note: The host-to-client ActiveSync connection does true IrDA, not serial over IR, or TCP/IP
(Winsock) over IR, like many infrared connections. Therefore, it is important to use a PC
infrared interface which supports the handshaking needed for ActiveSync. This,
unfortunately, precludes using many brands of laptops, which use a simple infrared
interface, even though they may call it IrDA.