Factory Default Settings 135
E-EQ-MX5CERG-F-ARC MX5X Reference Guide
Factory Default Settings
Factory Default Settings
Port 1 Disabled
Enable Internal Scanner Sound Enabled
Send Key Messages (WEDGE) Enabled
Output Enable Disabled (Dimmed)
Port 2 Disabled
Enable Internal Scanner Sound Enabled
Send key messages WEDGE Enabled
Output enable Disabled (Dimmed)
Left Scan key Enter key
Right Scan key Enter key
COM Ports (COM1 / COM4)
Baud Rate 9600
Parity None
Stop Bits 1
Data Bits 8
Enable Code ID None
Symbology Settings Enable Dimmed / Min - 1 to Max - all
AIM (ID) Enable Dimmed
Symbol (ID) Enable Dimmed
Custom Null
Control Character Disabled
Translate All Disabled
Character/Replacement NULl / Ignore(drop)
Custom Identifiers
Name Blank
ID Code Blank
• If the internal scanner has to be configured to operate at any communication settings other than
9600, N, 8, 1 and the MX5X either loses power or a cold boot command is entered, the
Scanner applet must be reconfigured to match the scanner communication settings.
• ActiveSync will not work over a COM port if that COM port is enabled in the Scanner applet
as scanner input. For example, if COM 1 is being used by the scanner, COM 1 can’t be used by
any other program.
• LXE 8300 Tethered Scanners and Symbology Settings (AIM ID) – Before manipulating data
received from 8300 tethered scanners, and Symbology settings are desired, the user must
configure and append the Symbology ID as a prefix.
• If Send Key Messages … is checked any data scan is converted to keystrokes and sent to the
active window. When this box is not checked, the application will need to use the set of LXE
Scanner APIs to retrieve the data from the scanner driver. Note that this latter method is
significantly faster than using Wedge.
• Disable Enable Internal Scanner Sound when you want an application, not the scan engine or
the CE operating system, to control scanner audible notifications. Adjust the settings and tap
the OK box to save the changes. The changes take effect immediately.