How To 25
E-EQ-MX5CERG-F-ARC MX5X Reference Guide
Copy the MX5X LXEbook to the MX5X (Optional)
Note: The LXEbook user guides do not contain the illustrations and regulatory information
contained in the full user guides on the LXE Manuals CD and on the LXE Website. See
the full format user guide MX5X User’s Guide on the LXE Manuals CD.
Mobile Device Required Adobe Acrobat Reader Version
MX5X Windows PDF Viewer (pre-installed by LXE)
First, using your desktop computer download LXEbook – MX5X Users Guide from the LXE
Manuals CD to your desktop computer.
Next, refer to ActiveSync Processes and Initial Install in Chapter 3 of this guide before connecting
the MX5X to your PC.
When the MX5X and the desktop ActiveSync applications are synchronized, tap Explore on the
ActiveSync menu on your PC to display the contents of the MX5X folders.
Then, open the folder on your desktop computer containing the downloaded LXEbook. Tap and
drag the LXEbook to the My Documents folder on the MX5X.
When the file copy process is finished, disconnect the MX5X from the synchronization equipment
and close ActiveSync.
To view the LXEbook on the MX5X, select Start | Programs | PDF Viewer | File | Open. Locate
the LXEbook on the MX5X and ‘open’ the file.
See Also: Install LXEbooks on the LXE Manuals CD.