182 Summit Client Configuration
MX5X Reference Guide E-EQ-MX5CERG-F-ARC
Figure 5-18 PEAP/MSCHAP Credentials Dialog
If using the Windows certificate store:
• Check the Use MS store checkbox. The default is to use the Full Trusted Store.
• To select an individual certificate, click on the Browse [ . . .] button.
• Uncheck the Use full trusted store checkbox.
• Select the desired certificate and click Select. You are returned to the Credentials screen.
If using the Certs Path option:
• Leave the Use MS store box unchecked.
• Enter the certificate filename in the CA Cert textbox.
Click OK then click Commit.
For information on generating a Root CA certificate, please see “Root CA Certificate” later in this
Perform a Warm Boot (or Suspend/Resume) function to connect using the new profile
The device should be authenticating the server certificate and using PEAP/MSCHAP for the user
See Also: Sign-On vs. Stored Credentials earlier in this chapter if the username and password are
left blank during setup.