Acquisition Modes
After each trigger event, the oscilloscope acquires data and then compares
the min/max values from the current acquisition with those stored from pre-
vious acquisitions. The final display shows the most extreme values for all the
acquisitions for each point in the waveform record.
Average Mode
Average mode lets you acquire and display a waveform record that is the
averaged result of several acquisitions. This mode reduces random noise.
The oscilloscope acquires data after each trigger event using Sample mode.
It then averages the record point from the current acquisition with those
stored from previous acquisitions.
The acquisition readout at the top of the display (Figure 3-2) shows the state
of the acquisition system (running or stopped). The “running” state shows the
sample rate and acquisition mode. The “stopped” state shows the number of
acquisitions acquired since the last stop or major change.
Acquisition Readout
Figure 3-2: Acquisition Menu and Readout
Acquisition Readout