
page 29
The steps to working out on the EFX are listed on the opposite page. A short
explanation appears on the left with the more thorough description following on
the right. Tips to consider during your workout are shown below.
CAUTION: Before beginning any fitness program, obtain a complete physi-
cal examination from your physician.
Check that the unit is turned ON. The I/0 switch is located at the rear.
Answer Setup prompts using numeric keys or by pressing the or keys.
Press Enter to select the information being displayed.
Quick Start bypasses further selections. Default values apply (see QUICK
START on page 25). Smart Rate
is not active unless the Age value was
entered and the user is wearing a POLAR
chest strap.
A time-out occurs during the Setup prompts if the EFX detects no key
presses for 2 minutes. The display returns to the Precor banner.
Put on the chest strap.
(Available with the Precor
Heart Rate Option.)
Important: When you begin
moving the foot pedals,
continue to hold onto a
stationary handrail with one
hand while you answer the
Setup prompts with the other.
Turn the unit ON.
Hold onto a
stationary handrail
while you step into
the foot pedals and
select a course.
1. For your Heart Rate to appear on the display, you need
to wear a POLAR
chest strap and enter your Age dur-
ing the Setup prompts.
2. The I/0 switch is located at the rear of the EFX.
CAUTION: Hold onto the stationary handrails while
you step into the foot pedals.
3. Move the foot pedals and follow the display prompts.
You are prompted to make a WEIGHT selection and en-
ter your workout AGE, TIME, and COURSE.
Note: To answer the Setup prompts, use the ▼▲ keys.
Press Enter to select the information being displayed. The
5 available courses appear on the label attached to the
display console. Brief course descriptions are provided
beginning on page 31.
Important: Any time during the Setup prompts, you can
press the Quick Start key. Refer to QUICK START on
page 25.
To pause during your workout session before finishing
the selected course, stop pedaling. See
Pause, Cool
Down and Exit Features
for more information.
4. When you have completed a course that has a limited
duration, a 5-minute cool down period automatically be-
gins. Hold onto the stationary handrail while the EFX re-
duces the resistance by 20%. Note that you can always
exit a course prematurely using the Reset key. Refer to
Pause, Cool Down and Exit Features
on page 26.
Continue your
workout until course