Operation Instructions
B.4.6 Annunciators, Indicators, and Overrange Conditions
Table B-1 specifies the annunciators that may appear on the top line of the display.
Table B-1. Annunciators
Annunciator Condition
No bias measurement possible since the
electrometer is not ready
Air density correction in use (only applicable to
radiological measurements)
ALC Automatic leakage compensation enabled
LoBat Low Battery voltage
LoBias Low Bias voltage
HiBias High Bias voltage
OvAmps Overranged current
Rst Resetting electrometer
Tmr Timer in use
WAIT Bias Not Ready The dosimeter is setting the bias
WAIT System Not Rdy The dosimeter is resetting the electrometer
(only applicable when automatic leakage
compensation is enabled)
Figure B-8 illustrates the locations of some annunciators. The battery, bias, and overranged current
annunciators appear at the same location, and the instrument alternates the displaying of each
annunciator when more than one is applicable.
Figure B-8. Annunciator Positions
Table B-2 lists the indicators the instrument uses to signal that a measurement quantity has not been
compensated for leakage or is not available due to the specified condition.
Table B-2. Measurement Indicators and Conditions
Indicator Measurement Condition
? (left of value) All Non-leakage
Automatic leakage compensation is enabled, but the exposure
started before a leakage measurement was available.
-.--- Leakage Automatic leakage compensation is enabled, but the exposure
started before a leakage measurement was available.
INVALID Effective Time The calculated effective time is longer than the actual
exposure. This condition occurs when a large amount of
charge is injected at the beginning of the exposure.
NA Leakage The leakage measurement is not available since automatic
leakage compensation is disabled.
OVER Non-leakage
The quantity or one of its dependents has exceeded the
maximum value. Refer to Table B-3 for more information.
All non-leakage measurements (e.g., charge, current, dose, rate, effective time, etc.)
39.995 nC
59.891 s
659.8 pA
ADC LoBias Tmr ALC