Operators Manual
2. The Customization software prompts you to enter a Display number ahead of which to insert a new
Display. Type 3 and press ENTER.
The Customization software inserts a new Display ahead of Display 3. The Customization software
downloads the insert operation to the instrument. The new Display contains two Blank Lines and a
Charge measurement as a default. All the Displays behind Display 3 move down in order.
Changing a Bias Setting
To customize a Bias Setting, select Bias Settings from the Main menu. This example customizes the
second Bias Setting to 150 V.
1. Click on the Edit Box to the right of the Bias Setting 2 title.
2. Keyboard: Enter 150.
3. Click on DOWNLOAD. The Customization software downloads the new Bias Voltage Setting to the
model 35040 Therapy Dosimeter.
3.10.13 Errors
This section describes the error messages that may appear during the program’s operation. If an error
message appears, follow the instructions below to resolve the error. To remove the error message, use
the mouse or press a key. If you press a key and it has an associated operation, the operation executes.
Printing Error
A Printing Error occurs if the Customization software cannot initialize the printer. Check the computer
connection to the printer and try printing again.
Com Initialization Error
The selected serial COM port could not be initialized. Verify that the port selected is available and that it
is not being used by another program.
Serial Link Error
A Link Error occurs when the Customization software starts and cannot establish communication with the
instrument. If this happens, first verify that the Com Port Indicator is green signifying that the PC port has
been initialized. Next, verify that the serial port cable is connected from the PC to the 35040 Dosimeter
and that the Dosimeter is powered up.
Also try, cycling Dosimeter power, wait five (5) seconds, and click on the UPLOAD button.
Download Errors
When new customization settings are downloaded to the 35040 Dosimeter, the Dosimeter will send back
the new settings to verify that the data was properly received. The Customization software will verify that
the returned settings match what was transmitted to the instrument. If the match is correct, all data field
background colors that were yellow (indicating a changed parameter) will be changed back to white. If
there was a mismatch, the data field background color will remain yellow and an error message may also
be displayed. Repeat the download procedure if there was an error.