76 Chapter 7—Solo, Monitors & Meters
01V—Owner’s Manual
About Monitor & Solo
Flexible monitoring and solo functions mean the 01V can be used in a wide range of
applications. All inputs and outputs can be monitored pre or post fader via the monitor
out or phones. Recording Solo and Mixdown Solo modes allow quick monitoring of
inputs channels and effects returns. Monitor and solo parameters appear on SETUP
page 2 shown below.
When no channels are soloed, the signal source for the monitor out and phones is
selected using the MONITOR SETUP parameters in the top half of this page. Selectable
sources are: the stereo output, stereo cascade in, aux sends 1 through 4, or bus outs 1
through 4. Signals can be sourced pre-fader (PFL) or post-fader (AFL). Other parame-
ters include monitor trim and a mono/stereo switch. See “Monitor Setup” on page 78
for more information.
The SOLO SETUP parameters in the bottom half of this page are used to configure the
Solo function. Input channels 1 through 24 and the effects returns can be soloed using
the [SOLO] buttons. Two Solo modes are available: Recording Solo and Mixdown Solo.
The SEL MODE determines how signals from each channel are soloed: individually or
mixed together. Signals can be sourced pre-fader (PFL) or post-fader (AFL). Other
parameters include solo trim and a solo enable switch. See “Solo Setup” on page 80 for
more information.