Setting a Fade Time 191
01V—Owner’s Manual
Setting a Fade Time
Using the Fade Time function, crossfades, fade outs, and fade ins from 0 to 25 seconds
can be performed automatically by recalling mix scenes. Fade Time settings must be
stored with a mix scene before they have any effect. Faders for input channels 1 through
16, the effects returns, aux send masters, bus out masters, and the stereo output can be
enabled for fading individually.
1. Use the [MEMORY] button to locate MEMORY page 2, as shown below.
2. Use the cursor buttons to select the TIME control, and the PARAMETER
wheel or [–1/DEC] and [+1/INC] buttons to set it.
The Fade Time can be set from 0 to 25 seconds in 0.1 second steps.
3. Use the cursor buttons to select the FADE ENABLE switches, and the
[ENTER] button to enable channels for fading.
FADE ENABLE switches appear highlighted when channels are enabled for fading.
4. Store the current mix scene in a scene memory. See “Storing Mix Scenes”
on page 186 for more information.
5. Recall the mix scene. See “Recalling Mix Scenes” on page 187 for more
When the mix scene is recalled, enabled faders move to their new positions over the
specified time. With a 5-second fade time, for example, it takes the enabled faders 5 sec-
onds to reach their new positions. In a typical crossfade, one channel would fade out
while another channel fades in.
Note: The Fade Time settings must be stored with a mix scene before they have any effect.