184 Chapter 14—Scene Memories
01V—Owner’s Manual
About Scene Memories
Scene memories are memory locations that are used to store mix scenes. A mix scene
consists of all 01V mix settings (i.e., EQ, fader positions, effects, dynamics, and so on).
There are 100 scene memories, and 1 through 99 can be titled for easy identification.
The Recall Undo function can be used to undo accidental scene memory recalls, or for
quick A/B mix comparisons. Crossfades from 0 to 25 seconds can be set up using the
Fade Time function. Individual channels can be set as “safe channels” so their settings
remain unchanged when a mix scene is recalled.
Scene memories can be stored and recalled in two ways:
• Manually on MEMORY page 1
• Remotely using MIDI Program Change messages from a computer or MIDI
Scene memory data can be backed up to an external MIDI device, such as a MIDI data
filer, using MIDI Bulk Dump. See “Bulk Dump” on page 232 for more information. A
scene memory to Program Change assignment table is provided on page 273.
Mix scenes are stored and recalled on MEMORY page 1, as shown below. Use the
[MEMORY] button to locate it.
The area to the left of the page contains the TITLE EDIT, RECALL, and STORE
switches. Next to these is the scene memory list, which can be scrolled using the
PARAMETER wheel. If the INC/DEC MEMORY RECALL option is turned on in the
preferences (“Setting 01V Preferences” on page 203), the [–1/DEC] and [+1/INC] but-
tons can also be used to select and recall scene memories. Scene memory 00 contains
the initial settings and is a read-only memory, which means it can only be recalled. As
each scene memory is selected, the PROTECT switch indicates whether or not it’s pro-
tected. Below this is the RECALL UNDO switch for undoing mix scene recalls. After
intializing the 01V, the RECALL UNDO switch appears gray until a mix scene is
recalled, because there is no data for undoing.
What’s Stored in Scene Memories?
Virtually all 01V mix settings are stored in a scene memories. Settings that are not
stored consist mainly of analog controls and switches. Namely, the 26 dB PAD switches,
GAIN controls, 15/16–2TR IN switch, MONITOR–2TR IN switch, MONITOR OUT
LEVEL control, PHONES LEVEL control, display contrast control, and on the rear
panel, the phantom power switches.
In addition, the following data types are not stored: 01V Setup data, MIDI Program
Change Map, MIDI Control Change Map, Scene Memory data, EQ library, Dynamics
library, and Effects library. This data can be backed up to an external MIDI device, such
as a MIDI data filer, using MIDI Bulk Dump. See “Bulk Dump” on page 232 for more