Effects Parameters 151
01V—Owner’s Manual
Reverb and symphonic effects in series.
Reverb and auto-pan effects in parallel.
2. For more information about the FREQ., NOTE, and TEMPO parameters, see “Setting
Delay, Freq, Note & Tempo Parameters” on page 137.
2. L<->R, L—>R, L<—R, Turn L, Turn R
3. For more information about the FREQ., NOTE, and TEMPO parameters, see “Setting
Delay, Freq, Note & Tempo Parameters” on page 137.
Parameter Range Description
REV TIME 0.3–99.9 s Reverb time
INI.DLY 0.0–500.0 ms Initial delay before reverb begins
HI.RATIO 0.1–1.0 High-frequency reverb time ratio
DENSITY 0–100% Reverb density
FREQ. 0.05–40.00 Hz Modulation speed
Used in conjunction with TEMPO to determine FREQ.
DEPTH 0–100% Modulation depth
MOD.DLY 0.0–500.0 ms Modulation delay time
WAVE Sine, Tri Modulation waveform
REV BAL. 0–100%
Reverb and symphonic reverb balance (0% =
symphonic reverb, 100% = reverb)
HPF Thru, 21 Hz–8.0 kHz High-pass filter cutoff frequency
LPF 50 Hz–16.0 kHz, Thru Low-pass filter cutoff frequency
25–300 bps Used in conjunction with NOTE to determine FREQ.
Parameter Range Description
REV TIME 0.3–99.9 s Reverb time
INI.DLY 0.0–500.0 ms Initial delay before reverb begins
HI.RATIO 0.1–1.0 High-frequency reverb time ratio
DENSITY 0–100% Reverb density
FREQ. 0.05–40.00 Hz Modulation speed
Used in conjunction with TEMPO to determine FREQ.
DEPTH 0–100% Modulation depth
Panning direction
WAVE Sine, Tri, Square Modulation waveform
REV BAL. 0–100%
Reverb and panned reverb balance (0% = panned
reverb, 100% = reverb)
HPF Thru, 21 Hz–8.0 kHz High-pass filter cutoff frequency
50 Hz–16.0 kHz, Thru
Low-pass filter cutoff frequency
25–300 bps Used in conjunction with NOTE to determine FREQ.