Chapter 1—Welcome to the 01V
01V—Owner’s Manual
Welcome to the 01V
Thank you for choosing the Yamaha 01V Digital Mixing Console. Based on the highly
successful Yamaha digital mixer series, the Yamaha 01V has been designed with MIDI
musicians and small sound reinforcement applications in mind, although its versatility,
compactness, and ease-of-use will appeal to both professional and semiprofessional
About this Owner’s Manual
This Owner’s Manual contains all the information you’ll need in order to operate your
01V Digital Mixing Console. Use the table of contents to find general information and
familiarize yourself with the organization of this manual, and use the index to locate
specific items. A glossary of 01V-related jargon is provided on page 293.
Each chapter covers a specific section of the 01V. The Input Channels Chapter, for
example, explains all about input channels, while the Scene Memories Chapter deals
with scene memories. The content of each chapter should be fairly obvious from its
title. Items such as EQ and dynamics, which are available on input channels, aux sends,
and the stereo output, are explained in their own chapters.
Where possible, the individual sections of a chapter are organized in order of signal
flow. The Input Channel Chapter, for example, starts with the input connectors and
works through each input channel function, finishing up at the buses.
01V Installation
Site the 01V on a stable surface, somewhere that complies with the important informa-
tion at the front of this manual. The 01V can be rack-mounted using an optional
rack-mount kit.