132 Chapter 12—Effects
01V—Owner’s Manual
Effects Library
Effects settings are stored as programs in the effects library, which contains 42 preset
programs (1–42) and 57 user programs (43–99). User programs are used to store cus-
tom effects settings, which can be titled for easy identification. The effects library can
also be used to transfer settings from one effects processor to another. For example, the
Effect 1 settings could be stored as a library program and then recalled to Effect 2. The
unique collection of preset effects programs is designed for specific applications and
instruments, and provides a good reference and starting point when using the effects
processors. See page 121 for a complete list of the preset effects programs.
The effects library is controlled from the library page shown below. Use the [EFFECT
1] or [EFFECT 2] button to locate it. Although the effects library can be accessed using
either button, the effects library is in fact common to both effects processors. When the
library page is selected using the [EFFECT 1] button, store and recall operations affect
Effect 1. When the library page is selected using the [EFFECT 2] button, store and recall
operations affect Effect 2.
The top half of the library page contains the STORE, RECALL, and TITLE EDIT
switches. Below these is the library window, which can be scrolled using the PARAME-
TER wheel. The “R” icon next to a preset program means read only. The meters indicate
effects returns signal levels for the selected effects processor.