42 Chapter 5—Input Channels
01V—Owner’s Manual
Changing the Input Phase
The Phase switches, available on input channels 1 through 16, reverse the phase of input
signals by 180 degrees. This can be used to compensate for incorrectly wired balanced
cables and microphones. Also, when a snare drum is miked top and bottom, the chan-
nel connected to the bottom microphone can be phase reversed to prevent signal can-
1. Use the [∅/DELAY] button to locate DELAY page 1, as shown below.
2. Use [SEL] buttons 1 through 16 to select channels.
Phase switches can also be selected using the cursor buttons.
3. Use the [ENTER] button, or the [–1/DEC] and [+1/INC] buttons to set the
phase of the selected channel to normal or reversed.
Normal phase
Reversed phase
The Phase switches on input channels 13 and 14 (likewise 15 and 16) are not linked, and
can be set independently. When input channels 1 through 12 are paired (“Pairing Input
Channels” on page 52), their Phase switches continue to work independently.
Input channels 17 through 24 do not have Phase switches.