36 Chapter 4—Getting Around the User Interface
01V—Owner’s Manual
To adjust the aux 1 send level of input channel 13/14, press the [AUX 1] button, and
then operate fader 13/14.
To adjust the aux 1 send level of input channel 20, use the [OPTION I/O] button to
locate OPTION page 2, press [SEL] button 20, use the cursor buttons to select the
AUX 1 fader, and then adjust it using the PARAMETER wheel or [–1/DEC] and
[+1/INC] buttons.
Input Channel Effects Send Examples
To adjust the Effect 1 send level of input channel 3, press the [EFFECT 1] button, and
then operate fader 3.
To adjust the Effect 1 send level of input channel 13/14, press the [EFFECT 1] button,
and then operate fader 13/14.
To adjust the Effect 1 send level of input channel 20, use the [OPTION I/O] button to
locate OPTION page 2, press [SEL] button 20, use the cursor buttons to select the
EFFECT 1 fader, and then adjust it using the PARAMETER wheel or [–1/DEC] and
[+1/INC] buttons.
Master Level Examples
To adjust the level of stereo out, press the [HOME] button, and then operate the MAS-
TER fader.
To adjust the AUX 1 master send level, press the [AUX 1] button, and then operate the
MASTER fader.
To adjust the EFFECT 1 master send level, press the [EFFECT 1] button, and then
operate the MASTER fader.
To adjust the BUS OUT 1 master send level, use the [PAN/ROUT] button to locate
PAN/ROUT page 3, use the cursor buttons to select the BUS 1 fader, and then adjust it
using the PARAMETER wheel or [–1/DEC] and [+1/INC] buttons.
Note: Aux send levels for input channels 17 through 24 can only be set using the virtual
faders on OPTION page 2.
Note: Effects send levels for input channels 17 through 24 can only be set using the
virtual faders on OPTION page 2.
Note: Bus out master levels can only be set using the virtual faders on PAN/ROUT
page 3.