102 Chapter 9—Aux Sends
01V—Owner’s Manual
Panning Channel Aux Sends
1. Use the [AUX 1] or [AUX 2] button to locate the AUX 1–2 Pan page, or
the [AUX 3] or [AUX 4] button to locate the AUX 3–4 Pan page.
When aux sends are not paired, the AUX PAN pages are empty, as shown below.
When aux sends are paired (“Making Aux Send Pairs” on page 101), the AUX PAN
pages contain panpots for input channels 1 through 16 and the effects returns, as shown
2. Use the [SEL] buttons or cursor buttons to select the channel panpots,
and the PARAMETER wheel or [–1/DEC] and [+1/INC] buttons to set
For input channels 13/14, 15/16, and the effects returns, press the [SEL] buttons repeat-
edly to select the odd/left and even/right channels.
The INPUT PAN LINK option is used to link aux send panpots to their corresponding
channel panpots. When this option is on, pan settings made on the AUX PAN pages are
reflected on PAN/ROUT page 1 and vice versa. Also, the aux panpots are affected by the
INDIVIDUAL, GANG, and INV. GANG pan modes on PAN/ROUT page 1.
Including center, there are 33 pan positions.
Input channels 1 through 12 feature a single panpot, as shown here.
Input channels 13/14 and 15/16 and the effects returns feature dual pan-
pots, with the inner panpots being the odd/left channel pans and the outer
panpots being the even/right channel pans. When working with stereo sig-
nals, these dual panpots can be used to adjust the width of stereo signals, as
shown below.
With the inner control set at L16 and the outer control set at R16, as shown
here, the width of a stereo signal is 100%.
With both controls set at CENTER, as shown here, the width of the stereo
signal is zero (i.e., mono).
Hard left
Hard right