52 Chapter 5—Input Channels
01V—Owner’s Manual
Pairing Input Channels
Input channels 1 through 12 can be paired together for stereo signal processing. Adja-
cent odd and even input channels can be paired together (i.e., 1/2, 3/4, 5/6, not 2/3 or
4/5). The following parameters are linked when channels are paired: attenuators, EQ,
dynamics, delays, [ON], and [SEL] buttons, faders, aux sends, effects sends, and
pre/post settings. Routing switches, [SOLO] buttons, phase, panpots, aux panpots, and
fade time on/off are not linked. Panpot operation depends on the selected Pan mode.
See “Pan Modes” on page 48 for more information.
Making Input Channel Pairs
1. Press the [SEL] button of both input channels simultaneously.
Use the [SETUP] button to locate SETUP page 4, as shown below, and use
the cursor buttons to select channel pairs, and then press the [ENTER]
The following dialog box appears.
CH 1 –> 2—Copy the settings of input channel 1 to input channel 2.
CH 2 –> 1—Copy the settings of input channel 2 to input channel 1.
RESET BOTH—Reset both input channels to their initial settings.
2. Use the cursor buttons to select a pairing mode, and then press the
[ENTER] button.
The highlighted switch and STEREO label show that the input
channels are now configured as a stereo pair.