188 Chapter 14—Scene Memories
01V—Owner’s Manual
Recalling Mix Scenes Using MIDI Program
Change Messages
MIDI Program Change messages can be used to recall mix scenes for snapshot-style
mix automation. Program Change messages can be transmitted from a controlling
computer, MIDI sequencer, or MIDI keyboard. Most MIDI keyboards, for example,
transmit a Program Change message when a voice is selected. This could be used to
recall a corresponding mix scene on the 01V, so that just one press of a button (or foot-
switch), the synthesizer and 01V are reconfigured ready for the next song or scene.
To recall mix scenes using MIDI Program Change messages you must:
1. Connect MIDI equipment capable of transmitting Program Change mes-
sages to the 01V.
2. Configure the 01V to receive MIDI Program Change messages. See “MIDI
Setup” on page 224 for more information.
3. Assign Program Change messages to scene memories. See “Program
Change Scene Recall” on page 227 for more information.
If the Program Change Tx switch is turned on (“MIDI Setup” on page 224), the 01V
transmits a Program Change message each time a mix scene is recalled. This could be
used to recall programs on other MIDI equipment, for example, effects program on an
external effects processor, or a voice on a synthesizer. Recalling scene memory #10, for
example, would recall voice #10 on a synthesizer. Program Change messages transmit-
ted by the 01V can be recorded to a MIDI sequencer for automated scene changes.