YML775 Rev1 NB600W Super-G Wireless Broadband Gateway User Guide
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Field Description
Use the DMZ host. The DMZ feature allows one local network user to
be exposed to the Internet to use special-purpose
services, such as Internet gaming or videoconferenc-
ing. DMZ forwards all the ports to this computer,
exposing it entirely to the Internet. This is not rec-
ommended for continuous use.
Email Alarm - Options
The E-mail alarm feature enables you to receive the gateway access log through emails regu-
larly. Click the checkbox, if you want to receive these e-mails from the gateway.
Field Description
Mail Server This is the e-mail server address on your network or
on the Internet. The mail server speciļ¬ed should relay
your mails without user name and password login,
otherwise the mail cannot be sent.
Port No The standard SMTP port for sending e-mails is 110.
Change it if you have special settings, otherwise
leave it as the default.
Subject The subject you enter will appear as the subject of the
e-mails that the gateway will send to you. This allows
the user to identify by subject which mail is from the
Send Mail To Enter the e-mail address you want the gateway send