NB600W Super-G Wireless Broadband Gateway User Guide YML775 Rev1
38 www.netcomm.com.au
3.2.3 Advanced Setup > Dynamic DNS
The gateway offers a Dynamic Domain Name System (DDNS) feature. The DDNS lets you
assign a fixed host and domain name to a dynamic Internet IP address. It is useful when you
are hosting your own website, FTP server, or other servers behind the gateway. Before you
can use this feature, you need to sign up for DDNS service at www.dyndns.org or other DDNS
service providers.
Field Description
Enable Dynamic DNS Check the box to enable the DDNS service.
DDNS Account The hostname you want to use. Type the first part of
the name in the input box, and select the second part
of the name from the pull-down menu. This allows
you to have anything.dyndns.org, anythingelse.
homeunix.com, etc. Enter your account name.
User Name, Password These DDNS services require you to login, please en-
ter your DDNS registered name and password here.
Wild Card Enable If you want ‘anything_here.yourhost.dyndns.org’ to
work (i.e. for addresses like www.yourhost.dyndns.
org), check the Enable Wildcard box.
Mail Exchanger If you wish to use a mail exchanger, put its hostname
into the Mail Exchanger field.
Backup MX If you need to backup the Mail Exchanger’s address
while you login to the DDNS service provider every
time, please click the checkbox.