TIMESTRETCH This allows you to expand/compress the length of the edit region with-
out changing its pitch.
Pressing STRETCH [F1] displays this screen:
Using Q2, you can select the timestretch preset. All the stretch-related DSP pro-
cesses have a series of presets optimised for certain types of material. These are:
SPEECH 1 This works well on female speech.
SPEECH 2 This works well on male speech.
SPEECH 3 This is more appropriate for deeper male speech.
VOCAL This works well with solo and ensemble singing voices in isolation
and, in music studio applications would be applicable for process-
ing backing vocals and the like.
DANCE 1 This works well with rhythmic material with little bass content
or bass content that is short.
DANCE 2 This works well with rhythmic material. HF and MF is handled
well and short as are sharp bass sounds.
DANCE 3 This is also suitable for rhythmic material but will handle longer
bass components better.
PERC 1 This works on very rhythmic material, especially solo drums,
etc., but can upset bass content.
PERC 2 This also works well on percussive material but can handle bass
content better.
HI NRG This works well processing material that is percussive, staccato
and rhythmic with a wide frequency range (although sustained
bass content may 'wobble').
BALLAD This works well on material that has long, sustained LF content.
Musically, it is effective for processing slow ballads and handles
long bass notes quite well but you may occasionally experience slight
'flamming' (i.e. double triggering) with some percussive sounds.
v1.6 Operator’s Manual