Included in the DPS24 is a multi-band compressor/expander (MBCX) that can be used to
improve stereo mixes before writing to CD.
The algorithm used is identical to that released in our QuadComp VST plug-in.
Whilst it is possible to use an ordinary compressor for tightening up and adding punch to a
stereo mix, it is very common that low frequencies can cause 'pumping' effects on the overall
signal.Alternatively, high frequency sounds such as cymbal smashes can have an adverse
affect on the overall sound. However, by splitting the signal into four different frequency
bands, each frequency can be separately processed.
This is achieved on the QUADCOMP MBCX using a series of crossover filters. These filters
are constructed as linear phase FIR filters in order to produce a signal path which is perfectly
free of phase errors.
When MBCX is enabled (either PRE FADERor POST FADER) in the MIXDOWN page, the
four internal effects processors are replaced by the MBCX.
Therefore, pressing the FX key takes you to the MBCX page that looks like this:
The first page allows you to set the crossover frequencies for each of the bands. These are set
in the various "XOVER"' fields. The frequencies available are 50Hz, 80Hz, 125Hz, 200Hz,
320Hz, 500Hz, 800Hz, 1.25kHz, 2kHz, 3.2kHz, 5.0kHz, 8kHz and 12kHz.
One frequency cannot be set higher or lower than the adjacent band. For example if the MF
XOVER is set to 800Hz as shown above, LF cannot be set higher than that and you will be able to set
50Hz, 80Hz, 125Hz, 200Hz, 320Hz, 500Hz for the LF. Similarly, in this example, the MF XOVER
cannot be set lower than 200Hz.
The four frequency bands also have a variable slope and these can be set to 6dB, 12dB, 18dB and 24dB per octave.
The MBCX has a Library of presets that can be accessed using F5. In the Library page, you
can store your own presets if you want.
It is possible to bypass the MBCX using F6.
v1.6 Operator’s Manual