
Top Panel
Below the DPS24's Q-STRIP/Q-CHANNEL encoders are the channel faders and SELECT
and ON/SOLO keys:
Each channel is identical whether it's an input or a disk channel (the GROUP/FX channels
are different and those differences are described on the next page). Each channel has a long
throw 100mm motorised fader which is touch sensitive for use with the mixer's automation
and simply touching the fader will make it active.
Channels may be muted using the green ON key above the fader.
When the channel is ON, the key illuminates; when it is OFF (muted), the key is not lit.
By pressing SHIFT+ON, the channel can be solo'd.
When a channel is solo'd, the ON key's LED flashes (and a large SOLO LED flashes in the
MASTER section). SOLO operation is described later in the manual.
A channel can be selected for tweaking using the channel SELECT key above each fader.
The SELECT keys are also used in conjunction with the ASSIGN keys to route channels to the
L/R bus and/or to Groups (and hence to disk tracks) for recording.
The SELECT keys can be used to link adjacent odd/even Channels as a stereo pair.
To link a pair of channels, press the SELECT key of one of the channels while holding down
the SELECT key of the adjacent channel. To un-link them, use the same procedure.
Once linked, pressing the SELECT key for either channel will select both, and the ON key of
either channel will be used for muting/solo'ing both channels.
Only odd/even adjacent channels can be paired., not even/odd channels, i.e. you can link
channels 1&2 or 3&4, but not channels 2&3.
v1.6 Operator’s Manual