User scale
When USER Scale is selected, the custom scale is defined by the ScaleBits parameter which
can be accessed by pressing the [F5] MORE softkey.
The ScaleBits parameter is a numeric value calculated using a binary representation of the
notes, where C is 1, C# is 2, D is 4, D# is 8, E is 16, F is 32, F# is 64, G is 128, G# is 256, A is 512,
A# is 1024 and B is 2048.
For instance, using this calculation, the ScaleBits value for the Chroma scale is the maximum
value of 4095 (all notes).
The notes from the User Scale are shown in real-time on the graphics as the ScaleBits value is changed.
Usually, select the chromatic scale. However, depending on the songs, selecting another scale
may produce an interesting result.
The primary purpose of the pitch corrector is to correct a slightly out of tune vocal lines. This is
especially useful in multi-part vocal harmonies. Further, it can be used to make special machine-like,
formant shifting vocal effect.
The input must be a solo vocal, if possible, without any EQ, Reverb, etc.. (these can be applied later).
Only effect that recommended before the pitch corrector is a compressor. The level should be even and
not less than -20dB.
This offers 13 preset scales for Scale parameter. The pitch of the input signal is always corrected to the
nearest pitch of the scale. In another word, if the deviation of the input signal is less than 40 cents (100
cent = 1 semitone), the result is always correct, even if you choose CHROMA, the chromatic scale
which contains all 12 keys in octave.
In practice, however, especially when there is a large step in melody, the deviations in attack part of a
new note are often much larger than that.
Based on this fact, it is recommended to choose the scale that contains as few notes as necessary,
reducing the possibility of wrong correction. Try to find a scale, by changing the Scale and Key param-
eters, that contains the least notes that are used in the melody. It is very important as well to adjust the
calibration base, i.e. CALIB, to the tuning of the recording.
If none of the preset scales fits to the melody, the user scale that you can edit, can be used.
When the correction is too perfect, it may sound artificially clean and unnatural, you may
reduce the lower correction ratio than 100%.
Also, if you reduce the Smoothing parameter to less than 100%, small short-time fluctuations or a
vibrato will not be smoothed out completely making the sound more natural.
v1.6 Operator’s Manual