• Because scene recalls take a certain time to be effective, be sure to insert a scene recall a fraction in
advance of where you want it to occur. Ideally, scene recalls should be inserted during a moment of
silence on the channel(s) selected to be affected. You can use the EVENT EDITOR to move scene
recalls to the optimum point.
• Because it takes the effects processor a certain time to change from one effect to another, be sure to
insert a scene recall that contains an effects change a fraction in advance of where you want them to
change in order to give the effects time to change. Ideally, scene recalls should be inserted during a
moment of silence on the channel(s) selected to be affected.
You can use the EVENT EDITOR to move scene recalls to the optimum point.
• Because it takes a certain time for an effect to change its parameters (for example, delay time), be
sure to insert a scene recall a fraction in advance of where you want the change to take place in
order to give the effect time to change. Ideally, scene recalls should be inserted during a moment of
silence on the channel(s) selected to be affected. You can use the EVENT EDITOR to move scene
recalls to the optimum point.
• Scene 00 is still an important factor in the way automation plays back as this sets the initial scene
settings for the start of all automation, regardless of what happens subsequently in the mix.
Therefore, when Automation is ON, Scene 00 is always recalled first when you press PLAY, even if
you have not inserted a Scene00 Recall in the Automation.
• When setting parameters, it is important to remember to store the settings you make to a scene
before re-commencing playback. Imagine this scenario......
You are adjusting the EQ on a particular channel in real-time as a project is playing. You get so far
with the adjustment but the project finishes. You press stop, locate to the start of the project (or
wherever) and press play and.....
The settings for the scene at the point you re-commence playback are restored and all the adjust-
ments you have just made have been lost. In other words....
Be sure to save all settings into a scene before re-commencing playback.
If you haven't inserted any automated Scene Recall, save your static settings in Scene 00.
This is standard practice on all automated consoles and not a limitation of the DPS24.
• Think carefully about what parameters will be stored in a SCENE STORE and, more importantly,
what parameters will be recalled with a SCENE RECALL as a mistake could affect the dynamic
mix automation. As an example.....
As a result of the dynamic mix automation, the faders for channels 1-4 may have gradually faded
down to -40dB. However, you recall a scene where the faders are at +2dB. The result is that at the
point of the automated scene recall, the faders for channels 1-4 will suddenly shoot from -40dB to
+2dB. Please take care when storing scenes (or more importantly, please take care when recalling
scenes) that the correct parameters are recalled so as not to upset a carefully performed dynamic
automation pass.
If you do make a mistake, use UNDO and try again. Alternatively, use the event editor to delete the
recall and try again.
When storing/recalling scenes, the store/recall function will 'remember' the last selection
made. This is intentional as it allows you to work a particular way (i.e. set NO FADERS and always
store/recall scenes with this setting). However, if you are likely to store/recall different settings with
each store/recall, please bear this in mind and ensure you make the correct selection. As mentioned, if
you do make a mistake, you can use UNDO.
v1.6 Operator’s Manual