
Once stored, they may be recalled using the GOTO key .
Although the GOTO function is designed to be used 'blind' without referring to the LCD ,
when you press GOTO, a prompt is also shown on the LCD:
You can.....
Press GOTO followed by IN to locate to the IN point and stop
Press GOTO followed by OUT to locate to the OUT point and stop
Press GOTO followed by REWIND to locate to the start of a project and stop
Press GOTO followed by FAST FORWARD to locate to the end of a project and stop
Press GOTO followed by STOP to locate to zero and continue
Press GOTO followed by PLAY to roll-back by the pre-roll time and continue
Press GOTO followed by - to locate to the previous Cue and stop
Press GOTO followed by + to locate to the next Cue and stop
Press GOTO and use the NUMERIC keypad to type in a 2-digit locate memory number fol-
lowed by ENTER or GOTO [F6] or GOTO & PLAY [F4/F5] or GOTO & CONTINUE [F2/F3]
Press GOTO and use the CURSOR UP/DOWN keys or the Q6 knob to select a memory to
locate to followed by ENTER or GOTO [F6] or GOTO & PLAY [FF4/F5] or GOTO & CON
Pressing ENTER or GOTO [F6] will simply locate to the memorised point, minus pre-roll time if
PRE-ROLL is enabled.
The function works whether the project is playing or not. If the project is playing, pressing GOTO
will locate to the selected memory and stop there.
However, pressing GOTO+PLAY (F4/F5) will locate to the selected memory and will automati-
cally put the DPS24 into play.
Pressing GOTO & CONTINUE [F2/F3], playback will continue with the previous transport state.
So, for example, if you are in play at 5x speed, after locating with GOTO & CONTINUE, the DPS24
will start playing again at 5x speed after locating to the specified point.
Whichever key you press to locate, the prompt closes when you press it.
v1.6 Operator’s Manual