
It is possible to select how FF and REW 'shuttle' will perform.
A unique feature of the DPS24 is its ability to rewind and fast forward in PLAY with 'tape
chatter' just like analogue reel-to-reel tape machines.
By default, this is achieved by pressing FF or REW when the DPS24 is playing... the DPS24
will go into this 'tape chatter' shuttle playback mode (at 5 times the nominal speed) until
such time as PLAY is pressed (to resume playback) or STOP is pressed. This is ideal if you
have long recordings to shuttle through.... you can just press the key, sit back and wait until
you're at the point you want to be.
However, it is also possible for the function to emulate the way some reel-to-reel tape ma-
chines worked which is that you press and hold the REW or FF keys.
The SHUTTLE X5 MODE [Q5] option allows you to selected LATCHED (the default opera-
tion) or MOMENTARY.
When MOMENTARY is selected, when the DPS24 is in PLAY, if you only press the REW or
FF key, the DPS24 will go into "normal" high-speed rewind or fast-forward (no audio) until
PLAY or STOP is pressed.
To use the x5 shuttle (with audio), you have to press and hold both the PLAY key and either
the REW or FF key, and then release the REW or FF key at the appropriate moment... the
DPS24 will revert to playing back at normal speed.
It is possible to display a pop-up to confirm that an UNDO (or REDO) operation has been
successfully completed and also there will be an indication when there is nothing to undo.
With UNDO CONFIRM [Q6] enabled, you will see a prompt after every UNDO / REDO
operation that simply says "UNDO completed" (or "REDO completed" of course). You can
close this by pressing OK on F6 or it will close automatically after a few seconds.
If there is nothing to undo / redo, the "Nothing to UNDO/REDO" prompt will inform you as such.
If you don't want these pop-up confirmations, simply disable the function.
In either of the PREFERENCES pages, the other function keys are:
EXIT [F1] Returns you to the main SETUP page.
Takes you to a page where you can set audio I/Os operation.
CLOCK SETUP [F5/6] Takes you to a page where you can set the real-time clock.
v1.6 Operator’s Manual