
Of course, the above depends on the setting of the RECORD EVENTS parameter. If, for
example, RECORD EVENTS is set to PAN, only PAN control movements will be recorded if any PAN
controls are moved. Touch a fader, switch a channel and/or adjust the FX/AUX controls in this case,
those movements will be ignored - only PAN movements will be recorded into the automation data.
This is the most useful of the three modes as you can simply grab a fader
or control (or press a switch) for it to be added to the automation data.
OVERWRITE This is a bit more 'destructive' in that automation recording starts as
soon as you press PLAY. To prevent accidental overwriting, when this
mode of recording automation is selected, the CHANNEL SELECT keys
flash, prompting you to select which channel(s) you wish to overwrite.
Once selected, those CHANNEL select keys are lit steadily and as soon
as you press PLAY, their position is recorded.
It is also possible to press PLAY and then press a CHANNEL SELECT
key to drop that channel into record (much like dropping audio into
record using the TRACK SELECT keys).
Allows you to select what will happen when you drop out of an automation record pass. The
options are:
STOP The automation recording continues until STOP is pressed on the trans
port key.
In the case of OVERWRITE mode, recording on a given channel will
stop if it is de-selected using the CHANNEL SELECT key(s).
RETURN When recording stops, the controls will return to their previously re-
corded position using the return time parameter (see below).
In AUTO DROP mode, the faders will drop out of record as soon as
they are released.
TO END Will overwrite all events to the end of the project.
When RETURN is enabled (see later), this sets the time it takes for controls to return to their
original value.
Allows you to switch the fader motors on or off. Typically, you might switch the motors off once you
have recorded your automation data.
The automation will playback but you won't have the distraction of the faders moving up and down.
AUTOMATION This switches automation ON or OFF.
AUTOMATION must be switched ON not only to playback automation but also to record automation.
v1.6 Operator’s Manual