
Top right of the meters.
To the right of the LCD are six Q-Link pots, Q1-Q6, used to set parameters on the LCD.
Below the screen are six 'soft' keys, F1-F6, the functions of which change according to the
screen being displayed.
To the left of the function keys is a simple talkback mic. Its level can be regulated using the
TB LEVEL pot directly below it.
Underneath the function keys is a dedicated timecode display. This can be switched between
timecode (hours : minutes : seconds : frames) and BBC (Bars : Beats : Clocks) using the DIS-
PLAY SELECT key to its right, Display status is indicated by two small LEDs between the
display and the DISPLAY SELECT key.
Finally, the CONTRAST control allows you to adjust contrast for the best view according to
your viewing angle.
v1.6 Operator’s Manual