Normally, the maximum number of audio sources the DPS24 can record simultaneously is 16.
In order to record 24 tracks simultaneously from the three sets of ADAT input connectors, the 24-
TK RECORD parameter in the SETUP / PREFERENCES should be switched ON.
This sets the DPS24 up for recording on all 24 tracks to enable 24 track transfers from your ADATs
to the DPS24.
When 24 TK RECORD is enabled, tracks 21-24 cannot be used for playback. After perform-
ing a 24-track recording to the DPS24, you should switch 24 TK RECORD off in order to play the 24
tracks you have just transferred.
If you have three ADATs and want to transfer a 24-track project from the DPS24 to them, no
special settings are required other than selecting the new patch preset shown above - this
routes the 24 tracks of the DPS24 to their respective ADAT outputs 1-24. All you need do now
is arm all 24 tracks on your ADAT machines and, when you're ready, press PLAY+REC on
the DPS24 - the ADAT sync-link will control the transport of the external ADATs, dropping
them in and out of record conveniently from the DPS24. Of course, when doing this, ensure
that no tracks are selected for record on the DPS24!!
For 24-track transfers to be made from the DPS24 to ADAT machines, it is essential that 24 TRK
RECORD must be switched OFF otherwise only track 1-20 will play.
It may be worth pointing out that the DPS24's tracks are routed to the ADAT outputs post
fader through the disk channels allowing you to transfer the audio with EQ, dynamics and
level. Of course, if you simply want to transfer the audio 'raw' as it is on disk you simply turn
off eq/dynamics, etc., on the tracks and set their faders to 0dB.
To assist with 24-track transfers, an additional "24 Track ADAT Transfer" Patch Preset is in-
cluded which routes all 24 ADAT inputs directly to the Disk Record Sources for Tracks 1-24
on the DPS24.
This Patch Preset also routes the 24 tracks of the DPS24 to the 24 ADAT outputs.
With the ADAT board installed, this opens up other possibilities for use with other ADAT
equipped devices, not just ADAT machines.
For example, the DPS24 could accept transfers from other 24-track recorders or mixers
equipped with ADAT format outputs.
Alternatively, you could use the DPS24 with other digital mixers, the only proviso being that
they have at least 24 inputs and at least three ADAT inputs. In this way, you could, for ex-
ample, build your tracks up at home and then use the DPS24 in a larger studio for mixdown
with more outboard gear, etc..
Furthermore, you could use the ADAT I/Os to connect the DPS24 to a computer equipped
with an ADAT I/O interface. Not only does this allow you to transfer tracks between the
DPS24 and the computer (which can also be achiieved using the extensive WAV/AIFF Im-
port/Export features), but also allows to use the computer as a massive multi-effects proces-
sor for the DPS24, using off-the-shelf plug-ins.
v1.6 Operator’s Manual