Pressing N.GATE [F3] shows the following screen:
The parameters are:
THRESHOLD Sets the threshold for the noise gate.
Smoothes the closure of the gate and prevents 'chatter' if the gate is rap-
idly opening and closing with a decaying signal around the threshold level.
RANGE Allows a certain proportion of the signal to always pass through. Nor-
mally, this will be set low so that no signal passes through but setting a
slightly higher range can be useful if the gating effect is too abrupt.
ATTACK Sets the length of time it takes for the gate to open. Typically, this will
be set to 0mS.
RELEASE Set the time it takes for the gate to decay to the threshold level.
HOLD Determines the length of time the gate is open after the attack cycle has
reached full level.
In the Compressor/Noise Gate sub-pages, EQ ON/OFF key [F5] is replaced with DYN ON
OFF, which allows you to quickly bypass the Dynamics processors.
F1 [EQ] returns to the main EQ Channel page.
F2 [UTILS] takes you to the Channel Utilities page.
F3 is used to toggle between the COMP and N.GATE sub-pages.
v1.6 Operator’s Manual