
Monitoring the Instrument
Standard Event Status register
The Standard Event Status Register monitors the following instrument
status events:
OPC - Operation Complete
RQC - Request Control
QYE - Query Error
DDE - Device Dependent Error
EXE - Execution Error
CME - Command Error
URQ - User Request
PON - Power On
When one of these events occur, the event sets the corresponding bit
in the register. If the bits are enabled in the Standard Event Status
Enable Register, the bits set in this register generate a summary bit to
set bit 5 (ESB) in the Status Byte Register.
The contents of the Standard Event Status Register can be read and
the register cleared by sending the *ESR? query. The value returned is
the total bit weights of all of the bits that are set at the present time.
Table 3-7. Bits in Questionable Status Register
Bit Definition
0, 1, and 2 not used
3 POWer - indicating that the instrument is measuring too high of a power.
3 through 8 not used
9 Maximum signals - indicating that the instrument has found the
maximum number of signals.
10 Drift Reference - indicating that the number of reference signals is
different from the current number of input signals.
11 Delta Reference - indicating that there is no delta reference signal.
12 through 13 not used
14 Command Warning - indicating that the instrument has received some
extra unexpected parameters for one of the measurement functions.
15 not used