
4 Programming Commands
Common Commands 3
Measurement Instructions 15
CALCulate1 Subsystem 25
CALCulate2 Subsystem 31
CALCulate3 Subsystem 44
CONFigure Measurement Instruction 74
DISPlay Subsystem 75
FETCh Measurement Instruction 79
HCOPy Subsystem 80
MEASure Measurement Instruction 81
READ Measurement Instruction 82
SENSe Subsystem 83
STATus Subsystem 90
SYSTem Subsystem 97
TRIGger Subsystem 103
UNIT Subsystem 107
5 Performance Tests
Test 1. Absolute Wavelength Accuracy 3
Test 2. Sensitivity 4
Test 3. Polarization Dependence 5
Test 4. Optical Input Return Loss 6
Test 5. Amplitude Accuracy and Linearity 9
6 Specifications and Regulatory Information
Definition of Terms 3
SpecificationsNORMAL Update Mode 5
SpecificationsFAST Update Mode 8
Operating Specifications 11
Laser Safety Information 12
Compliance with Canadian EMC Requirements 13
Declaration of Conformity 14
Product Overview 15
7 Reference
Instrument Preset Conditions 2