
Performance Tests
Performance Tests
Performance Tests
The procedures in this chapter test the Agilent 86120C’s performance
using the specifications listed in Chapter 6, “Specifications and Regula-
tory Information” as the performance standard. All of the tests are
done manually without the aid of a computer. None of these tests
require access to the interior of the instrument.
Test 1. Absolute Wavelength Accuracy 5-3
Test 2. Sensitivity 5- 4
Test 3. Polarization Dependence 5-5
Test 4. Optical Input Return Loss 5-6
Test 5. Amplitude Accuracy and Linearity 5-9
Allow the Agilent 86120C to warm up for 15 minutes before doing any
of the performance tests.
Calibration Cycle
This instrument requires periodic verification of performance. The
instrument should have a complete verification of specifications once
every two years.