
Making Measurements
Always force the Agilent 86120C to wait for non-sequential com-
The Agilent 86120C normally processes its remote programming com-
mands sequentially. The instrument waits until the actions specified by
a particular command are completely finished before reading and exe-
cuting the next command. However, there are a few non-sequential
commands where this is not true. Non-sequential commands do not
finish executing before the next command is interpreted.
The following is a list of the Agilent 86120C’s non-sequential com-
The following additional commands are also non-sequential commands
if CALCulate3:SNR:AUTO is set to OFF:
ARRay and the SCPI standard
According to the SCPI command reference, the ARRay command causes an instru-
ment to take multiple measurements. (A <size> parameter indicates the number
of measurements to take.) However, the Agilent 86120Cs ARRay command refers
to the measurements performed for one measurement sweep; this results in an
array of measured signals. Because the <size> parameter does not apply, any
<size> parameter sent will be ignored by the instrument. No syntax error will be
generated if a <size> parameter is sent.