
Making Measurements
The format of returned data
Measurements are returned as strings
All measurement values are returned from the Agilent 86120C as
ASCII strings. When an array is returned, the individual values are
separated by the comma character.
Determine the number of data points
When a FETCh, READ, or MEASure command is used (with ARRay
specified), the first returned value indicates the total number of mea-
surement values returned in the query.
If you use the:CALCulate1:DATA?, :CALCulate2:DATA?, or
:CALCulate3:DATA? queries to query data, send the :POINts? query
first to determine the number of values returned in the string. The
string does not contain a first value which specifies the string length.
This is shown in the following example:
OUTPUT 720;:CALCulate1:POINts?
ENTER 720;Length
OUTPUT 720;:CALCulate1:DATA?
ENTER 720;Result$
Data can be corrected for elevation and vacuum
Normally, the Agilent 86120C provides measurement values calculated
for conditions in air at sea level. Use the :SENSe:CORRection:ELEVa-
tion command to compensate for air dispersion. Altitudes up to 5000
meters can be entered. Use the :SENSe:CORRection:MEDium command
to switch to readings in a vacuum.
Amplitude units
The default amplitude units are dBm. If you need measurements in
watts, use the :UNIT:POWer command. When the Agilent 86120C is
turned on, the amplitude units are automatically set to the units used
before the instrument was last turned off.