
Agilent Technologies Service Offices
Before returning an instrument for service, call the Agilent Technologies Instrument
Support Center at
+1 (877) 447 7278, visit the Test and Measurement Web Sites by
Country page at http://www.agilent.com/comms/techsupport, select your country
and enter the Technical Support link, or call one of the numbers listed below.
Agilent Technologies Service Numbers
Austria 0820 87 44 11
Belgium +32 (0) 2 404 9340
Brazil +11 7297-8600
China 800 810 0508
Denmark +45 70 131515
Finland +358 (0) 10 855 2100
France 0825 010 700
Germany 01805 24 6337
India 1600 112 626
Italy +39 02 9260 8484
Ireland +353 1890 924 204
Japan 0120 421 345
Korea 080 769 0800
Mexico (5) 258-4826
Netherlands +31 (0) 20 547 2111
Norway +47 67101 080
Russia +7 (095) 797 3930
Spain +34 91 631 3300
Sweden 0200 88 22 55
Switzerland 0800 80 5353
United Kingdom +44 (0) 7004 666666
United States +1 (877) 447 7278