
Monitoring the Instrument
Status registers
The Agilent 86120C provides four registers which you can query to
monitor the instrument’s condition. These registers allow you to deter-
mine the following items:
Status of an operation
Availability of the measured data
Reliability of the measured data
All four registers are shown in the figure on the following page and
have the following uses:
Status Byte Monitors the status of the other three registers.
Standard Event Status This is the standard IEEE 488.2 register. Contains
bits which indicate the status of the other two regis-
OPERation Status Contains bits that report on the instruments normal
QUEStionable Status Contains bits that report on the condition of the sig-
Status Byte register
The Status Byte Register contains summary bits that monitor activity
in the other status registers and queues. The Status Byte Register’s
bits are set and cleared by the presence and absence of a summary bit
from other registers or queues. Notice in the following figure that the
bits in the Standard Event Status, OPERation status, and QUEStionable
status registers are “or’d” to control a bit in the Status Byte Register.
If a bit in the Status Byte Register goes high, you can query the value
of the source register to determine the cause.