
Error Messages
158 String data not allowed
161 Invalid block data
168 Block data not allowed
170 Expression error
171 Invalid expression
178 Expression data not allowed
200 Execution error
211 Trigger ignored
Caused by sending the *TRG command when the instrument is already
taking a measurement or when the instrument is in continuous
measurement mode.
213 Init ignored
Caused by sending an INIT:IMM, READ, or MEASure command while a
measurement is already in progress or while the instrument is in
continuous measurement mode.
221 Settings conflict
Caused by trying to set the instrument to a state that is not allowed. For
example, turning on drift maximum and drift minimum state
simultaneously or turning on SNR state while drift or delta state is on.
222 Data out of range
223 Too much data
224 Illegal parameter value
230 Data corrupt or stale
Caused by trying to query measurement data immediately after a *RST
command. For example, sending *RST; FETCh or sending *RST;
:CALC2:DATA? pow.
232 Data questionable
Caused by sending a resolution value in one of the measurement
functions that is outside the instruments range.
273 Illegal macro label
Table 5-24. General SCPI Error Messages (2 of 3)
Error Number Description