11.5 Reporting Options Tab
The Reporting Options tab displays fi ll-in fi elds for setting information
regarding the Consoles’ general communicator reporting options and
includes a 4 x 2 section for assigning custom 4 x 2 reporting codes if
Report AC Fail
The default REPORT AC FAIL setting enables AC power failure and
restore reports with a random delay of up to one hour. Alternately, the
Console can be set to report AC power status without the random delay,
or be disabled.
Three options are available for AC failure reporting.
• The DISABLE setting will inhibit AC failure reporting.
• The ENABLE setting will report when the Console has been without AC
power for fi ve minutes. A restore report will be sent fi ve minutes after AC
power is restored.
• The ENABLE (RANDOM DELAY UP TO 1 HOUR) settings functions the
same as the ENABLE setting, except that any reports will occur at a random
time up to one hour from the event. This option can reduce collisions of
Central Station traffi c caused by a wide-spread power outage.
When the AC power status changes, after the fi ve minute wait period, the
Console will announce:
0 “Console power failure”
— OR —
0 “Console power restored”
Report Supervisory Events
The default is to report supervisory events to the Central Station. The
events will be reported to the primary/secondary telephone number
unless split reporting is enabled, which would cause the reports to go to
the supervisory telephone number.
Un-check the REPORT SUPERVISORY EVENTS option box to disable
reporting supervisory events.
Mode Switch Reporting
The Console can report to the Central Station when the Console is
switched between Home Mode and Away Mode.
The default MODE SWITCH REPORTING setting does not report mode
changes to the Central Station. To report mode changes, check this
option box.
Answer Phone
The default enables ring detection on the telephone line connected to the
Console. This setting must be on to support the remote RA4200 telephone
programming, remote limited touch-tone telephone programming, and
Speakerphone Mode.
If these features are not required or used, ring detection can be disabled
by un-checking the ANSWER PHONE check box.
RA4200 Reporting Options Tab